Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ultimate Sex Bingo-The Rules

Ultimate Sex Bingo League Play Rules

1. Ultimate Sex Bingo is played on the honor's a gentleman's game.
2. The game is not retroactive. Only sex from the outset of the game (the passing out of cards; 11/3/2010) forward counts.
3. The same girl can count for more than one square except in the case of rule 3b.
3b.- The same girl cannot count for two squares if that girl gives you a bingo. i.e. if you have a Latino girl, a brunett, and a 24 year old,, you cannot complete your bingo with a nurse with fake boobs. You could have sex with a nurse with fake boobs and count her as one or the other, but would still need another girl with the opposite feature to complete the BINGO.
3c.- Rule 3b is nullified if you complete an entire row at one time. So, if you have sex with a foreign, blacked hair, 27-32 year old with an A-Cup, that would be a BINGO.
4. To get a square, there must be insertion, and the act has to go to completion (not necessarily completed with insertion. In other words, hand jobs or blow jobs don't count, unless there was previously insertion.
5. Upon completion of a BINGO, you must immediately yell, BINGO!!!, or the BINGO does not count.
6. A championship belt will be awarded to the first person who completes a successful BINGO, within the rules. This belt is retained until another player successfully completes a BINGO, at which point the belt is passed. Upon completion of a bingo, your card is cleared and you start over. You can use girls towards a second bingo, and they can count for the same square, but you cannot complete a BINGO with the same line that you got BINGO for before.

Asian/Indian-This can be a girl who is Asian,Indian (like from India), or American Indian. To qualify, she doesn't have to be from Asia or India, but has to be of direct descent (Don't forget, it is a Gentleman's game)
Latino/Hispanic-Has to be first or second generation, if she is an American.
Foreign-Was born in any country that is not the United States. It doesn't matter what country you are living in, those are the rules.
In another state- This means the sex happens in one of the 49 states that you do not currently reside in.
From another state- Has to happen in your home state, and the girl has to be a resident of another state (The only exception is if a girl is in college. If a girl goes to college in Georgia, but is from Kentucky (she came from there exclusively for college), she would count for this category, if you have sex with her in Georgia.

Any Unnatural Hair Color-Blue, Pink,Red(like the color red, not a redhead), etc. If she is wearing a wig, that counts (as long as she wears it during the act).

All Careers-Must be their current occupation. She can't have been a teacher or nurse in the past.

Mom-must have given birth to a child. Thats it.

College-must be currently enrolled in college, medical school, nursing school, technical school, etc. A girl doesn't count as a nurse or doctor if she is still in school. She would count for this category.

Fake Boobs-must be verified

A Cup or Smaller-must be verified or EXTREMELY obvious

200+ pounds-must be verified or EXTREMELY obvious

3 or more tattoos- must be verified by the player

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and the Board of Directors will rule.

Have fun, and let the Games Begin.